PET is abbreviated as Positron Emission Tomography. It is a diagnostic test which is used to check diseases in human body. The procedure involves injecting a radioactive tracer dye into the body. This dye can be inhaled, injected or swallowed. Once this radioactive tracer dye gets absorb into the organs of body, PET scanner traces the diseased part of the body because the defective part appears bright on the computer screen. Other than diseases, PET scan can detect sugar usage, use of oxygen by the body, blood flow etc. this diagnostic test is an out-patient procedure which can be finished within few hours.
A radioactive agent (usually fluorine) is injected inside the body and let it absorb in the chest region. The fluorine emits gamma rays which are detected by PET scanner. Usually chest PET scan involves the detection of lung tumor. CPT code for this procedure is 78814.
The PET scan of brain is performed for metabolic evaluation. The radioactive dye emits rays from the body and PET scanner detects them. The problematic or diseased part appears bright colored on computer screen. The CPT code for this procedure is 78608.
For whole body PET scan, after injecting the radioactive tracer dye, the patient is sent to a chamber for whole body evaluation. The dye emits gamma rays which are detected by PET scanner and shows if there is any abnormality (melanoma). This procedure is performed under CPT code 78816.
For PET scan of lungs, radioactive tracer element fluorine is injected inside the body and let is absorb by the lungs. The scan shows if there is any tumor or blockage by highlighting the part of organ. The images on computer are clear because of dye injected. The CPT code for this procedure is 78814.
The PET scan for Skull base to mid-thigh shows if there is any tumor in the spine. The dye is injected inside the body and then PET scanner shows the defective part. The procedure of skull to mid-thigh scan has a different CPT code i.e. 78815.
The procedure is same i.e. injecting a radioactive tracer element into the body and sending the body inside the chamber for PET scan. The scan shows every little organ with the defect or diseases part. The CPT procedure code is 78815.
After injecting dye inside the body, the body is diagnosed for the disease (mostly tumor). The radioactive agent emits gamma rays which are detected by the PET scanner. The diseased part shows brighter on computer screen. The CPT code is 78815.
The head and neck are limited parts which are scanned through the PET scanner. The dye get absorbed inside the head and neck region along with chest and then head is moved inside the chamber where PET scanner detects emitted rays. The CPT code for this procedure is 78814.
CPT Code For Pet Scan Chest
A radioactive agent (usually fluorine) is injected inside the body and let it absorb in the chest region. The fluorine emits gamma rays which are detected by PET scanner. Usually chest PET scan involves the detection of lung tumor. CPT code for this procedure is 78814.

CPT Code For Pet Scan Of Brain
The PET scan of brain is performed for metabolic evaluation. The radioactive dye emits rays from the body and PET scanner detects them. The problematic or diseased part appears bright colored on computer screen. The CPT code for this procedure is 78608.
CPT Code For Pet Scan Whole Body
For whole body PET scan, after injecting the radioactive tracer dye, the patient is sent to a chamber for whole body evaluation. The dye emits gamma rays which are detected by PET scanner and shows if there is any abnormality (melanoma). This procedure is performed under CPT code 78816.
CPT Code For Pet Scan Of Lungs
For PET scan of lungs, radioactive tracer element fluorine is injected inside the body and let is absorb by the lungs. The scan shows if there is any tumor or blockage by highlighting the part of organ. The images on computer are clear because of dye injected. The CPT code for this procedure is 78814.
CPT Code For Pet Scan Skull To Mid Thigh
The PET scan for Skull base to mid-thigh shows if there is any tumor in the spine. The dye is injected inside the body and then PET scanner shows the defective part. The procedure of skull to mid-thigh scan has a different CPT code i.e. 78815.
CPT Code For Pet Scan Skull To Thigh
The procedure is same i.e. injecting a radioactive tracer element into the body and sending the body inside the chamber for PET scan. The scan shows every little organ with the defect or diseases part. The CPT procedure code is 78815.
CPT Code For Pet Scan Skull Base To Mid Thigh
After injecting dye inside the body, the body is diagnosed for the disease (mostly tumor). The radioactive agent emits gamma rays which are detected by the PET scanner. The diseased part shows brighter on computer screen. The CPT code is 78815.
CPT Code For Pet Scan Head And Neck
The head and neck are limited parts which are scanned through the PET scanner. The dye get absorbed inside the head and neck region along with chest and then head is moved inside the chamber where PET scanner detects emitted rays. The CPT code for this procedure is 78814.