Damara is a regional sheep breed that originated in Eastern Asia and Egypt. The breed eventually spread to Namibia and Angola, where it still exists today. For several years, the sheep were confined in a remote region of Namibia, where they stayed unaffected by other breeds. They can be found in northeastern Namibia (Kaokoland) and southern Angola, where locals keep them completely free of outside influences (Himba and Tjimba). The title of the breed is obtained from the location where the sheep were first discovered (formerly known as Gross Damaraland).
The Damara sheep has a large tail and short, rough hair. They can be monochrome (black, brown, or white) or multichrome (black and white pied). Damara sheep can thrive in extreme environments and under inadequate nourishment. The breed is extremely hardy and can grow and breed even in areas where water and forage are scarce. This makes it very appropriate for municipalities in Namibia, where intense environmental conditions are not the exception. However, research has demonstrated that the breed thrives well in optimal conditions.
It has a high level of resilience to most sheep maladies, as well as a strong endurance for gastrointestinal worms. The Damara sheep eat a variety of foods. It eats on vegetation, bushes, and shrubs and is approximately a browser. According to research, browsing material can account for up to 64% of the Damara sheep's diet. This puts Damara in the same group as goats when it comes to feeding.
The breed's mothering abilities are remarkable. The ewes generate enough milk to feed twin lambs, which happen in about 5% to 10% of all births. They take good care of their youngsters and even fight predators when they are attacked. Orphan lambs are extremely rare in this breed due to their exceptional mothering ability.Â
Damara Sheep Characteristics
Although the Damara sheep is mostly a horned sheep, polls do appear in ewes more frequently than in rams. Rams have spiral horns that are well grown and extend out from the skull. The legs are tall and robust, and the hooves are uniform and shaped well. The fat tail is wedge-shaped, large, and thin, extending to the hock.

Damara Sheep Weight
As per Statistics, a grownup ram's live weight ranges from 80 to 95 kg, while a fully grown ewe's weight ranges from 50 to 65 kg. Damara sheep breed grows rapidly due to its genetic makeup.
Damara Sheep Characteristics Origin
The Hamites of Eastern Asia and Egypt developed the breed, which eventually spread to Namibia and Angola. For many years, the sheep were confined in a remote region of Namibia, where they remained unaffected by other breeds.
Damara Sheep Meat & Wool
The Damara breed of sheep is fundamentally used for meat. It is mainly raised for the supply of meat. Their meat is soft and full of natural flavors.
The Damara is a colored sheep breed that produces wool only during the winter season. This wool sheds in the summer season, and unlike wool sheep varieties, the hair remains connected to the wool during the shedding process, giving the appearance of 'felt' rather than wool.