Ancistrus is a nocturnal freshwater fish genus belonging to the family Loricariidae of the order Siluriformes. It is found in freshwater settings throughout South America and Panama. They are recognized as bushynose catfish or bristlenose catfish in the aquaculture industry.
These easy to keep tropical freshwater fish are suitable for both beginners and experts. The Bristlenose catfish is a resilient fish that can survive and prosper in a range of diverse situations. They are most usually found in the Amazon river basin in South America.
Bristlenose catfish are among the most sociable species you can keep in an aquarium. While males should not be housed together due to their high territorial nature (this is particularly true if you intend to breed your bristlenose catfish), multiple bristlenose catfish can be housed in the same tank.
Bristlenose Catfish Temperament
When young, they are calm, but as they mature, they might become aggressive over mates, territory, and food. Bristlenose fish are scale less. They have exoskeletons that do not provide adequate protection against many salts and a variety of other chemicals. These fish are used to spending their time at the base of the aquarium.Â
Pleco vs Bristlenose Catfish Difference
Pleco and Bristlenose catfish are frequently mistaken for one another. There are a few similarities and distinctions between them to ensure you have the correct fish in your aquarium. Both have similar dietary needs, but their adult sizes are vastly different. The adult bristlenose reaches a maximum size of 15cm, whereas the pleco reaches 45-60cm, therefore tank capacity and long-term filtration are important considerations. Bristlenose can be easily bred in tanks, whereas plecos must be bred periodically in ponds, which explains the price difference.

Bristlenose Catfish Size
The Bristlenose Catfish can grow from 7cm to 15cm in length. The size of a fish is mostly determined by the tank's size and the number of fish present in the tank.
Bristlenose Catfish Breeding
They must be at least a year old before they can start breeding routinely, and a single pair can be quite productive, laying between 150 and 200 eggs at a time. The male will select a confined location for breeding purposes (more on that in a moment), and the female will be enticed into the cave when she is ready.
Bristlenose Catfish Temperature
Even while bristlenose fish are small, reaching adult sizes of only 3 to 5 inches in length, they are somewhat more cold-resistant, surviving water temperatures that fall below 50°F (10°C).
Bristlenose Catfish Lifespan
The normal lifespan of a Bristlenose is at least five years. However, there have been situations where this fish has lived for as long as 12 years in captivity, which is quite remarkable. When compared to the lifespans of many other commonly encountered freshwater tank creatures, this is a considerable amount of time.
Bristlenose Catfish Diet
Bristlenose fish are herbivores that mostly eat algae. It is advisable to feed them algae or spirulina wafers at least once or twice a day. Additionally, granules, flakes, or bloodworms are acceptable, and so are the occasional zucchini chunks and boiled romaine lettuce or spinach. Always be careful not to overfeed them.