Dojo Loach Size, Care, Breeding, Food

The dojo loach is a fish species that belongs to the family Cobitidae. It is a freshwater fish that can survive better in an aquarium. This fish has an extraordinary temperament that is peaceful and calm. They are the most well-behaving fishes. Dojo Loach high sensitivity towards atmospheric changes makes this fish special among other fellow fishes. They can sense climate and pressure changes in the environment. Whenever they sense any change, their behavior changes, and they start swimming all over the tank to see outside. This special characteristic of these fishes has been observed by many people. In some regions, they are kept as a barometer to sense climatic changes.

    Dojo Loach Tank Size

    The size of the tank matters a lot in taking good care of these fishes. Suitable tank size is necessary to keep them healthy and sound. They need a lot of space to swim and discover new things. Their body length is quite long which would need proper space. 55 gallons is the minimum tank size recommended for these long-sized fishes. The dimensions of the tank need proper alignment. The front side of the tank should be 4 feet long. So, they can swim freely for a longer time. Large-sized tanks are always on priority if you are planning to keep more than one dojo loach. 

    Dojo Loach Size, Care, Breeding, Food

    Dojo Loach Care

    The care of the Dojo Loach is not a difficult task. These fish require the small-grained but soft bottom of the tank. Large-sized stones having sharp ends should be strictly avoided because they can harm the fish. These interesting fishes like to dig down to the soft and ground bottom. Their stress level increases if they do not find a space to dig in. Too many shelters in the tank are preferred because they like to hide. Moderate lighting of the tank is suitable. You can also add some floating plants to shadow the bottom. Some fallen leaves inside the tank could mimic their habitat. 

    Dojo Loach Breeding

    The breeding of Dojo Loach in captivity is not too vast. They breed for a limited time. In farms, most probably they use hormone injections to carry out breeding. Their demand in the market is very high so, hormone injections have become necessary to increase their population. In their wild habitat, the male loaches hug the female loaches and fertilize the egg. 100 to 150 eggs are laid by the female loach. These eggs find their way near algae. The temperature of the water should be 14 to 16 degrees Celsius to make the egg last for about four days. 

    Dojo Loach Food

    Dojo loach fishes are omnivorous. They can survive on both plants and animals. They usually feed on insects, the larvae of the insect, and the small crustaceans. Artificial food can also serve them with proper nutrition. Other than this, these fishes can feed on frozen food or live food. Frozen food includes bloodworms, daphnia, and worms. Dojo loaches in both ponds and tanks can easily manage their diet. They are not choosy about what they eat or get to eat. They show ultimate attraction towards their owner who feeds them all the time. These fishes sense the touch of their owner and get excited.

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