Supraclavicular Lymph Nodes Location, Pain, Enlargement, Treatment

The lymphatic system contains tiny, bean-shaped structures called lymph nodes. By capturing hazardous elements like bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells, they serve as filters for lymph fluid. Supraclavicular lymph nodes are positioned on either side of the neck, just above the collarbone.

Supraclavicular Lymph Nodes Location

Supraclavicular lymph nodes are divided into left and right groups. They are located in a hollow depression directly above the clavicle bone called the supraclavicular fossa. The right supraclavicular lymph nodes generally drain lymph from the upper right part of the body and the lungs, whereas the left supraclavicular lymph nodes mostly drain lymph from the chest and belly.

    Supraclavicular Lymph Nodes Functions

    When it comes to the body's immune response, the supraclavicular lymph nodes are extremely important. They remove toxic particles from lymph fluid and produce immune cells to fight infections. The supraclavicular lymph nodes may enlarge if the tissues they drain are infected or experiencing aberrant cell proliferation.

    Supraclavicular Lymph Nodes Location, Pain, Enlargement, Treatment

    Supraclavicular Lymph Nodes Enlargement Causes

    The supraclavicular lymph nodes may enlarge due to a number of reasons. Understanding the potential causes is crucial for choosing the right treatment strategy. Several typical causes are as follows:


    The supraclavicular lymph nodes may grow as a result of infections in the neighborhood, including those of the upper chest, neck, or respiratory tract. These infections could be of the bacterial, viral, or fungal variety.


    The risk of cancer is one of the major worries related to supraclavicular lymph node enlargement. The supraclavicular lymph nodes are regarded as "sentinel nodes" for certain malignancies, including breast, lung, stomach, and testicular cancers. These nodes' enlargement can be an indication of the spread of cancerous cells.

    Autoimmune Disorders

    The immune system may mistakenly attack healthy tissues as a result of various autoimmune illnesses, which can result in swelling of the lymph nodes in the supraclavicular region.

    Other Causes

    Sarcoidosis, TB, rheumatoid arthritis, and medicines are some other less frequent reasons for supraclavicular lymph node enlargement.

    Supraclavicular Lymph Nodes Enlargement Symptoms

    The swelling of the supraclavicular lymph nodes can be felt as bumps under the skin. Depending on the underlying cause, different symptoms could be felt. The following are typical signs:

    • Lumps over the collarbone that are discernible or palpable
    • Tenderness or pain in the affected area
    • Lymph node swelling or growth
    • Red or heated lymph nodes
    • Night sweats, chills, or a fever
    • Unexpected weight loss or fatigue

    Supraclavicular Lymph Nodes Enlargement Treatment

    The underlying reason determines the method of treatment for enlarged supraclavicular lymph nodes. Consider the following choices:

    Treating the Underlying Cause

    If an infection is the primary cause of the problem, doctors may recommend suitable medications such as antibiotics or antiviral meds. When cancer is found, the type and stage of the cancer will be analyzed to determine the best course of therapy.


    To lower inflammation and treat the symptoms of autoimmune diseases, doctors may prescribe drugs like corticosteroids.

    Surgical Intervention

    To remove the swollen lymph nodes for additional inspection or to treat the underlying cause, surgery may occasionally be necessary. A trained surgeon normally performs this surgery.

    Radiation Therapy

    In cases when cancer has metastasized to the supraclavicular lymph nodes, radiation therapy may be advised. High-energy radiation is used to specifically target and kill cancer cells.

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