Wickham Striae Meaning
Wickham striae, also called lichen planus, are characteristic white lines or patterns that can develop on the skin, lips, or mucous membranes and other parts of the body. In addition to being visually apparent, these striae may be a sign of underlying medical conditions.
Wickham Striae in Mouth
Those who have Wickham striae in their mouths may feel pain, burning, or discomfort. On the inside of the cheeks, gums, and tongue, you can see white lace patterns.
Wickham Striae in Skin
Wickham striae can appear on the skin as elevated, purple, or reddish lesions that are frequently itchy. Those who are not familiar with the condition may be confused by the variable appearance of these striae.
Wickham Striae in Oral MoucosaÂ
Speaking, breathing, and even swallowing can become challenging when Wickham striae impair the oral mucosa. They are more frequently observed on the buccal mucosa and typically occur bilaterally. In the oral cavity, they might take the shape of a lacy network or tree-like patterns.Â

Wickham striae are characterized by fine, grey, or white lines above purple papular skin lesions that are frequently observed in the mouth, genitalia, wrists, and forearms. These are usually painless lines that may take the shape of ferns or lacy patterns.
Wickham Striae Causes
The reasons for Wickham striae, which are thin lines that can be white or gray in color and are observed in lichen planus (LP) lesions, are not fully known. However, the development of these defects has been attributed to a number of other clinical alterations. The granular cell layer or focal elevation in epidermal activity is thought to be responsible for the formation of Wickham striae.Â
Wickham Striae Treatment
All types of lichen planus, including Wickham striae, can be treated with high-potency topical corticosteroids as the first-line therapy. The treatment for hypertrophic lichen planus may involve topical calcineurin inhibitors. Systemic steroids or other medications may be required in certain situations. When lichen planus affects the skin, light therapy may help it go away.