ICD 10 code for fever


      • ICD 10 code for fever unspecified: R50.9
      • ICD 10 code for fever of unknown origin: R50
      • ICD-10 code for neutropenic fever: D70. 9
      • ICD 10 code for chills with fever:  R50.9
      • ICD 10 code for valley fever: B38.0
      • ICD 10 code for scarlet fever: A38.9
      • ICD 10 code for low grade fever: R50.9
      • ICD 10 code for fever blister: B00.1

ICD 10 code for fever unspecified: R50.9

This code, R50.9, is used to denote a fever without specification of its cause or origin. It's assigned when there isn't enough information available to determine the underlying reason for the fever.

ICD 10 code for fever

ICD 10 code for fever of unknown origin: R50

The code R50 is used for fever of unknown origin (FUO), indicating a persistent fever where the underlying cause remains undiagnosed after a comprehensive medical evaluation.

ICD-10 code for neutropenic fever: D70.9

Neutropenic fever, characterized by fever in individuals with abnormally low levels of neutrophils, is assigned the code D70.9 in the ICD-10 classification system.

ICD 10 code for chills with fever: R50.9

Chills accompanied by fever are assigned the code R50.9, indicating a condition where the body experiences both a fever and sensations of coldness or shivering.

ICD 10 code for valley fever: B38.0

Valley fever, caused by the fungus Coccidioides, is represented by the code B38.0 in the ICD-10 system. This code is used to classify cases of infection with this specific fungus.

ICD 10 code for scarlet fever: A38.9

Scarlet fever, a bacterial infection caused by group A Streptococcus, is coded as A38.9 in the ICD-10 system. This code indicates a diagnosis of scarlet fever without specifying complications or severity.

ICD 10 code for low-grade fever: R50.9

Low-grade fever, indicating a mild elevation in body temperature, is classified under code R50.9 in the ICD-10 system. This code is used when the fever is present, but the temperature elevation is not high.

ICD 10 code for fever blister: B00.1

Fever blisters, also known as cold sores, are classified under the code B00.1 in the ICD-10 system. This code is used to denote the presence of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection causing blisters or sores.

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