Right Hepatic Lobe Cyst Meaning, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

The liver is a vital organ that works in the body to filter pollutants, make bile, and store vitamins. Cysts can occasionally develop in the liver, which can be uncomfortable and lead to additional health issues. 

Right Hepatic Lobe Cyst Meaning

A fluid-filled sac that forms within the right lobe of the liver is referred to as a right hepatic lobe cyst. The right lobe of the liver is responsible for several vital functions, including protein synthesis and detoxification. When a cyst develops in this area, it can impair regular liver function and cause a number of symptoms.

    Types of Right Hepatic Lobe Cysts

    Simple cysts and complex cysts are the two main categories of right hepatic lobe cysts. The majority of cysts are benign and simple cysts. They have distinct edges and contain clear fluid. On the other side, complex cysts might have calcifications, septations, or solid components. To rule out probable malignancy, these cysts require additional monitoring and assessment.

    Right Hepatic Lobe Cyst Meaning, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

    Right Hepatic Lobe Cyst Symptoms

    Right hepatic lobe cysts may be identified during routine medical exams because they rarely cause symptoms. However, if the cyst enlarges or becomes infected, it may result in symptoms like:

    • Pain or discomfort in the abdomen
    • Vomiting and nausea
    • sensation of heaviness or swelling
    • Jaundice (skin and eye yellowing)
    • Weakness and exhaustion
    • Unexpected weight reduction

    Right Hepatic Lobe Cyst Causes

    Right hepatic lobe cysts can have a variety of causes, some of which are not usually apparent. However, certain variables may lead to its growth, including:

    Congenital anomalies: Some people may be more prone to developing liver cysts due to inherited diseases or genetic predispositions.

    Biliary duct abnormalities: Cysts in the liver can develop as a result of anomalies in the bile ducts.

    Parasitic infections: Liver cyst development can occasionally be brought on by parasite illnesses like echinococcosis.

    Trauma or injury: Cysts may develop as a result of the liver's natural healing process after blunt trauma or injury.

    Right Hepatic Lobe Cysts Diagnosis

    The following diagnostic methods may be used by healthcare practitioners to identify right hepatic lobe cysts:

    Imaging tests

    The presence of cysts in the liver can be determined by an ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) scan, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

    Blood tests

    To evaluate the health of the liver and rule out any underlying problems, liver function tests may be performed.


    A tissue sample from the cyst may occasionally be removed for further examination to determine whether it is benign or potentially cancerous.

    Right Hepatic Lobe Cysts Treatment

    The course of treatment for right hepatic lobe cysts relies on a number of variables, including the size of the cyst, if any symptoms exist, and the likelihood of complications. The primary forms of treatment are:

    Surgical Interventions

    Cyst fenestration: This procedure entails cutting into the cyst and emptying its contents. To stop a recurrence, the cyst wall may be completely or partially dissected.


    The liver lobe containing the cyst may need to be partially or entirely removed in circumstances where it is big or producing severe symptoms.

    Non-surgical Treatments

    Percutaneous aspiration

    A needle is used in this minimally invasive treatment to drain the fluid from the cyst and treat the symptoms.


    This method entails injecting a sclerosing chemical into the cyst to reduce its size and stop recurrence.

    Lifestyle Changes

    Right hepatic lobe cysts can occasionally be managed with a change in lifestyle. These might include:

    Adopting a healthy diet

    Healthy liver function can be aided by consuming a balanced diet, high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains but low in fat.

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