The Hamites in Eastern Asia and Egypt were the first people to raise Damara sheep. These sheep then made their way to Namibia and Angola. Since the sheep lived in a remote area of Namibia for a long time, they were kept away from the impact of other breeds.
Today, the species is distributed primarily in northwestern Namibia (Kaokoland) and southeastern Angola. In these regions, they were herded by locals relatively unaffected by outside influences.
The term Damara sheep breed was taken from the particular area where these animals were first seen; this area was formerly known as Ddmaralnd.
Damara sheep can thrive in tough environments with limited nutrition. The breed may thrive in areas with limited access to water and forage because of its extraordinary vitality. This makes it ideal for Namibia's communal regions, where harsh weather is more often a norm than the exception. However, studies have indicated that the breed does exceptionally well under ideal circumstances.
Damara sheep are very adaptive to their surroundings and can flourish in harsh situations with little food. Farmers who face difficult conditions can benefit greatly from them because of their resilience to harsh weather and scarce resources.
Excellent Meat Quality
The meat produced by Damara sheep is of excellent quality, which is one of their main advantages. For customers who want healthier protein sources, it is a popular option because it is lean, delicate, and low in cholesterol.
Non-selective Feeding Habits
The fact that Damara sheep don't have picky eating preferences is one of their main advantages. Just like other sheep, they eat grass and forbs, but they can also live on browse and shrubs. They can locate food even in places where traditional sheep might struggle because of their special nutritional flexibility, which makes them perfect for places with limited grazing supplies.
Disease Resistance
Damara sheep are remarkably resistant to disease, especially in desert areas. They are naturally resistant to these diseases, which makes them a good choice for farmers in these places because they give them a better chance of keeping a healthy flock.
Fertility and Growth
The high reproductive rate and strong maternal instincts of Damara sheep are two of its most remarkable characteristics. The ability of these sheep to breed prolifically even in poor conditions guarantees a steady increase in the flock. In addition, their progeny exhibit robust growth, demonstrating the breed's resilience and adaptability.
Mating Difficulties
Old Damara ewes with accumulated tail fat may have trouble breeding. This build-up may make it more difficult for rams to mate, which could result in fewer conceptions. In order to preserve the breed's population and general productivity, farmers must carefully handle these difficulties.
Limited Wool Production
Their wool is coarse and unsuitable for use in commercial textiles. It may be better for farmers to use another breed of sheep if their main goal is to produce wool.