The Welsh Black is an indigenous British breed that originated in the rugged mountain and hill country of Wales and is derived from cattle of Pre-Roman Britain. Primarily, there were 2 separate strains of Welsh Blacks, both of which were referred to as a dual function animal: the durable, strong North Wales form and the larger, rangier South Wales form. Over the last 90 years, active crossbreeding of these breeds has resulted in an ideal-sized animal with a focus on beef production. The breed's distinctive characteristics are an outcome of this genetic inheritance and environment
The Welsh Blacks have established themselves across the United Kingdom and have demonstrated their worth from Canada to Australia. Welsh Blacks initially came to Canada in 1970 via the United States, with subsequent direct shipments. They are found in 9 provinces and numerous states in the United States, with Alberta having the highest volume of breeders.
Welsh Black Cattle Facts
The cattle are generally black, as their name implies. They typically have white horns with black tips, but these can be removed, and some strains are innately hornless (polled). The reddish color was once common, though it is rarely seen now. Its hardiness, combined with its browsing and grazing habits, makes it an excellent choice for rugged pastures such as heath-land and moorland, as well as for the biodiversity of grassland. Nowadays, the commercial breed is bred only for beef, but historically, it was used for both, milk and beef.
Welsh Black Cattle Weight
The average live weight of a fully grown cow is around 600-800 kg while the average live body weight of fully grown bulls is approximately 900-1200 kg.
Welsh Black Cattle Height
Welsh Black cows and bulls have almost the same body height which ranges between 1.3-1.5 m (130-150 cm).
Welsh Black Cattle Milk capacity
Welsh Black Cattle are good milkers and yield approximately 4000 liters of milk in a single lactation. In some cases, higher yields have been reported.